Team Human

Reverend Billy and Savitri D "Charging the Wildness"



Playing for Team Human today, artists, activists, and writers Reverend Billy and Savitri D.Reverend Billy and Savitri D discuss the origins of the Church of Stop Shopping and the desire to create a tradition of a post-religious American future. Reverend Billy and Savitri walk us through the evolution of the Church of Stop Shopping as a satire into a group that addresses the challenges and needs of their local community. “You have to change the theme of your work because something is happening to the people in your community.” Savitri D says.Rushkoff, Reverend Billy, and Savitri D. examine the current moment and ask, “Who are the current experts that people can turn to in a pandemic?” along with strategies for people to help build resilience. “Rebuilding our memories is a project people need to embark upon.” Reverend Billy says.In his monologue, Rushkoff discusses how the ethical dimensions and risks associated with people who have recovered from Covid-19 being able to return to the workforce versus those who