Team Human

Eric Gullichsen "Navigating A Shared Space"



Playing for Team Human today, founder and principal investigator at Pataphysics Research & virtual reality pioneer, Eric Gullichsen.Gullichsen and Rushkoff look back at how early virtual reality headsets brought them together nearly 25 years ago. Together, they discuss Timothy Leary's commentary and influence on Gullichsen's work in virtual reality and how Leary still influences Guillichsen's work today with Transcranial Ultrasound Neuromodulation. Here, Gullichsen explains his views on treatments created from organic sources versus synthetic ones and how new brain treatments can be administered in a non-invasive fashion. How can innovations serve our humanity instead of serving it up to Silicon Valley?In his opening monologue, Rushkoff discusses how popular public discourse about the Internet is ten-to-twenty years behind what's happening today. He looks at how digital technology has created an environment that has stripped us of our ability to find common ground because we're increasingly living in diff