Team Human

Yancey Strickler "A More Generous World"



Playing for Team Human today, Cofounder of Kickstarter & The Creative Independent and author of the newly published book, “This Could Be Our Future: A Manifesto for a More Generous World,” Yancey Strickler.Strickler joins Team Human to discuss his vision for building a society that looks beyond money and toward optimizing for humans. What are ways we can protect our human weaknesses? How can we appropriately scale a business to fit the needs of humans instead of growth for growth's sake? Further, he discusses his concept of Bentoism, a model created based on the belief, "...that our self-interest isn’t solely defined by what we want and need right now. Our self-interest extends to the considerations of our future selves, the people who rely on us, and the next generation." He discusses how this model can help humans discover what it's like to be self-coherent and situate themselves as both individuals and as a collective."This Could Be Out Future: A Manifesto for a More Generous World" is now available: h