Team Human

Ep. 130 Astra Taylor "Democracy is a Verb"



Returning to play for Team Human today, filmmaker, author, musician, and activist Astra Taylor.Astra joins Douglas for a conversation that wrestles with the paradoxes and contradictions inherent in democracy. It’s a discussion explored in her latest film, What is Democracy? and her new book, Democracy May Not Exist But We’ll Miss It When It’s Gone. (Hudson Books, Indie Bound, Amazon)Do we really have a clear vision and political imagination of what democracy should look like? How can we both recognize the tensions in democracy and create conditions where these contradictions are more constructive than destructive? In what ways are we empowered in our everyday lives to enact democracy?Astra and Douglas explore these questions and more as they make the case that democracy is not a “thing” nor a set of procedures, but rather an “unfolding,” a process. Democracy is a verb!Follow Astra on Twitter here.Hear Astra discuss her work with the Debt Collective on the very first episode of Team Human. Today