Team Human

Ep. 127 "All Hands On Deck" Extinction Rebellion with Gail Bradbrook and Clare Farrell



Gail Bradbrook and Clare Farrell leverage love and grief to build the Extinction Rebellion, a movement that demands immediate action on climate change.“There is an emotional component to waking up to our social, political, economic, and climate predicaments, and a mix of anger, shock, exhilaration, and fear. Yet properly integrated, they can all serve us as we attempt to muster the collective fortitude to confront these interconnected challenges.Playing for Team Human today are two guests who are practicing state-of-the-art activism that acknowledges and leverages these various emotional components. Douglas is joined by molecular biophysics PhD and economic justice campaigner Gail Bradbrook and #bodypolitic fashion designer turned hunger strike activist, Clare Farrell. They’ve begun a movement centered in London but spreading around the world called Extinction Rebellion. They shut down bridges in London last year and are planning to shut down the whole city of London next week (April 15) until government