Team Human

danah boyd "Seeing New Worlds"



Playing for Team Human today, technology and social media scholar, founder of Data & Society Research Institute, and author of It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, danah boyd.On today's episode, Douglas and danah talk about stepping outside of our narrow worldviews. How does technology amplify our biases? Where does human agency lie in complex, networked systems? What is the distinction between a "network" versus a "community?" These and many more questions explored in this deep-dive into social media and the relationship of digital technology to our everyday lives.From Douglas: "This week, my journey to make sense of digital society - and to challenge my own underlying assumptions about the promise and peril of social media - I visited my friend danah boyd. We met up at The Data & Society Research Institute, which she founded in 2014 to explore the social and cultural issues arising from data-centric and automated technologies. What makes her work unique is that it’s based less