Team Human

Eliott Edge: Finding the Other "Others"



How might altered states of consciousness deepen our empathy, imagination, and lead us find the other others? Writer, thinker, and explorer of consciousness, Eliott Edge looks at the ways in which virtual reality and psychedelics can create new frames of reference and enhance our connection to each other and the planet. In his latest book, 3 Essays on Virtual Reality: Overlords, Civilization, and Escape , Eliott engages with the ethical and existential questions of reality as a simulation. "If reality is a simulation, then we were born into this 'video game' to participate." It's a conversation on the future of media literacy how it must evolve to include "virtual reality literacy."Douglas opens today's show with an open letter and offer of service to Google. In wake of the recent news that Google employees refused to build censored search for China, what better opportunity to reevaluate its total mission and practice? Why not bring Team Human on board for guidance?More on Eliott: Eliott Edge is a multidiscip