Team Human

George Monbiot "Beyond Salvation and Disaster"



Playing for Team Human today is activist, Guardian columnist, and author of Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis, George Monbiot.Monbiot and Rushkoff discuss the abysmal failure of neoliberalism, a narrative that figures humans as self-interested, competitive, and greedy creatures. Monbiot offers compelling evidence, both from his own on the ground experience reporting on people’s movements in Indonesia and Brazil, as well as recent findings in neuroscience and anthropology that break the neoliberal myth. But it’s not enough to merely break a myth with facts and figures. Monbiot argues that we must offer a new, engaging story. Can we harness our “narrative instinct,” to amplify participation in a politics centered on belonging, community, and restoring power back into the hands of team human?Rushkoff opens thinking about the medium of podcasting itself. Is the podcasting landscape in danger of being overrun by cookie-cutter, corporate funded content factories? Is there still room for the q