Team Human

Eli Pariser "The Ground Under Our Feet"



Playing for Team Human today is Eli Pariser, author of The Filter Bubble, former director of and current chief executive of uses media to make what’s important popular, rather than the other way around. is a story-driven website focused on magnifying meaningful conversations that encourage positive social change. On today’s episode, Eli and Douglas mine our reality tunnels, looking at how perspective shapes meaning and what strategies we might employ to ground democracy in greater consciousness and empathy. On the theme of reality, Douglas opens with the viral craze over the “Yanni/Laurel” audio clip. Can we really say that everything is just a matter how you hear it?The first NYC Team Human Live event at the Alchemist’s Kitchen is on Thursday, June 21st. Limited tickets are available, Free to Patrons. Get your tickets here or check the homepage at for details.On today’s show you heard intro and outro music thanks to Fugazi an