Team Human

Ep. 43 Adam Brock "Better Than You Found It"



Playing for Team Human today is permaculturalist Adam Brock, author of Change Here Now. Adam joins Douglas for a conversation about how humanity is integrally connected to natural ecosystems. “Nature is a textbook,” Adam explains, and so by paying close attention to ecological systems, we can better understand ourselves as part of a greater whole. It’s a theme that serves as the springboard into a conversation not only about the ways we grow food, but also about community, trust, and the deeper sense of connection that comes from a permaculture mindset.Rushkoff opens today’s show with a monologue about Amazon’s recent purchase of Whole Foods and how scaling up in the digital economy threatens to leave humans behind. Rushkoff's most recent book Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity was just released in paperback with new expanded material last week.Adam Brock's new book Change Here Now is available at Amazon and Indie Bound.Adam founded www.thegrowhaus.