Team Human

Ep. 42 Ramesh Srinivasan "Whose Global Village"



Playing for Team Human is Ramesh Srinivasan, professor and author of Whose Global Village? Rethinking How Technology Shapes Our World. Today, information travels around the globe in an instant, and connection to far away people and places is merely a click away. Yet the prevalence of filter bubbles, the rise of political extremism, and the consolidation of network power into the hands of behemoth companies like Facebook and Google portend a growing disconnection in society. Ramesh Srinivasan looks beyond the slogans and "empty metaphors" often used to brand these technologies as inclusive, free, and liberating. On today's episode, Srinivasan and Rushkoff challenge the notion that technology automatically builds community as it is deployed globally. It’s a conversation that critically assesses the presumptions of Western technocrats who see growing data and digital connectivity as the end itself for building a more just world. For more information about Ramesh’s work and his latest book, Whose Global