Team Human

Ep. 12 Mushon Zer-Aviv “Reambiguation”



Playing for Team Human is Mushon Zer-Aviv. Mushon shares his creative strategies for resistance against assimilation into the big data mindset. His playful, interactive designs turn the cult of data collection on its head, re-ambiguating humans and embracing the most quirky, inspired, and anomalous aspects of our lives. Mushon’s recent project,  challenges surveillance advertising by feeding it back into itself. Check out this and his many projects linked below. You can also learn more about “reambiguation” on Mushon’s  Medium blog. Full bio from Mushon is a designer, an educator and a media activist based in Tel Aviv. His work and writing explore the boundaries of interface and the biases of techno-culture as they are redrawn through politics, design and networks. Among Mushon’s collaborations, he is the CO-founder of – a foxy design studio; – a tour of Gaza through the streets of Tel Aviv; Kriegspiel – a computer game version of th