Lex Levinrad Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Author & Mentor

Can You Recognize A Wholesale Deal?



Are you new to real estate investing? Do You Know How To Recognize A Wholesale Real Estate Deal? If you do, then you should be willing to act (very quickly) when you see it. The first step for new real estate investors is to make sure that you know how to tell a good wholesale real estate deal from a bad one. Too many beginners don't the difference. Knowing the difference between a wholesale real estate deal and a dud is the basics of this business. You should learn what a wholesale real estate deal is for your market if you don't already know it. In this video I talk about the concept of "you eat what you kill" and having the "killer instinct". I learned both of these from my mentor. At the Wholesaling Real Estate Boot Camp, I use an analogy of a lion walking in the jungle that hasn't eaten in two weeks. If that lion were to see a deer, it wouldn't think about whether or not it should eat that deer. It would just eat it. As an investor you need to be like that lion. If you see a good wholesale real estate de