Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

Building A Thriving Career In Art with Clare Bowen and Brandon Robert Young



Opportunities don’t come from playing it safe or waiting until you become perfect and everything is right. Sometimes you have to trust it, do your absolute best, believe in yourself, bring the best work forward, and see what happens.Sometimes, the things that we think are perfect don’t always turn out to be great. Sometimes, it’s the gig, job, or song that you see as not ideal or unappealing that is going to push you to do the next level or the best work of your life.Great opportunities don’t usually come dressed as you expect them to be, and no matter how appealing or unappealing an opportunity looks, you will never know where it can lead you until you say yes to it. Saying yes to an opportunity and giving it your best is where the magic happens. Judging opportunities and thinking of them as less than ideal is an excuse for not giving your best effort.Stop worrying about making everything perfect, and start giving your best to every opportunity. Any opportunity is great if you believe in yourself and give it