Chats With Susan Burrell

The Authentic Self



Ep #208 - The Authentic Self - An Interview with Author Iman Oubou I can’t wait for this conversation. This episode of Empowering Chats welcomes author, Iman Oubou – her book, The Glass Ledge, is all about how to break through self-sabotage and embrace your power to create your success. Her book is so full of information and it includes exercises for readers to do in order to get clear as they explore their inner landscape. I think it is such an empowering book. Iman and I had a thoughtful, engrossing conversation about her book and why she feels called to help women. So I asked her, why The Glass Ledge title? We all know about the glass ceiling, but why the glass ledge? Iman explains that the glass ledge is an expression she came up with to refer to how women self-sabotage themselves. She goes on to say that her goal is to give women the tools they need to balance on the glass ledge and not go tumbling over the edge. When women trip over the glass ledge (me included, I experienced this myself) we lose contro