Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

8 Behaviors of High-Earning Women in Business



Are you thinking and acting like a high earner that you deserve to be?   Many business owners struggle to get to their next-level breakthrough because they are stuck in hustle-mode.    What you should be doing is stretching your mind into new ways of thinking and what’s possible for you and your business.    It’s learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to get to your desired next-level.   With the right mindset and steps at hand, aiming and making more revenue is something that can totally happen for you and your business.   You just need to shift yourself, your thinking, and your behavior in a way for you to achieve what you want.    In this week's Breadwinning Women Podcast, I share the ways on how you can start adopting  breadwinning behavior so you can crush limiting beliefs, be hella productive and focus on the income-generating activity that will leap your business forward   You will learn …