Walk It Out With Tricia Goyer

How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact on the World



There is so much negativity in the world. It seems to be everywhere we turn, and many of us quietly ask ourselves if this will ever improve. Even more, we are asking where we turn for hope and inspiration. Enter The Lighthouse Effect! We often think of actors or celebrities as those with the most influence, but each of us can think of those unsung heroes who have led us down brighter paths. The Lighthouse Effect is the idea that any of us can be a lighthouse for someone or find a lighthouse for ourselves in any given moment and interaction. Understanding your lighthouse effect will change how you see the world and awaken you to the possibilities you have to shape that same world. All of us have an opportunity to say yes. Steve Pemberton found a lighthouse in an ordinary man named John Sykes, his former high school counselor. John gave Steve a safe harbor after Steve escaped an abusive foster home, and together, they navigated a new path that led to personal and professional success. Through stories of people