Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 410: with Doug Evans, Sprout Wizard



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  How do you eat an organic nutrient dense plant based diet cheap? Grow some of your own food.  There are more options than you would initially think and range from a full backyard garden or community raised beds to porch pots of vegetables and herb gardens.  If that is not yet in your wheelhouse, consider sprouting or microgreens to produce nutrient dense plants all within the confines of your house or apartment regardless of the weather.  Doug Evans, author of The Sprout Book, joins me on the podcast to discuss the benefits and ease of starting a sprout farm in your kitchen.  Broccoli seeds can generate 2 cups of sprouts for about 33 cents.  They are packed with a phytonutrient called sulforaphane that have anti-cancer properties as well as the anti-inflammatory benefits for the brain.  They are also protective against the harmful effects of uv radiation from the sun.  In addition, they have several times the anti-oxidants of the full grown plant all packed in a tiny cru