Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Wendy Liebman And Jeff Sherman Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Wendy Liebman and Jeff Sherman Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson I could have talked to Wendy Liebman and Jeff Sherman all night and still have asked for more. What fun! With the advantage of knowing each other for some years, the conversation was animated, spontaneous, and effortless. We talked about the curse of Ventura Blvd and two life-altering accidents pre-pandemic, readying these happy-to-be-home-together lovebirds for what lay ahead. We discussed PTSD, emotional trauma, panic attacks, acceptance, and healing. Armed with great ‘tude and an attentive husband, Wendy weathered what could have been a disastrous 14 months with grace and resolve. And, managed to be productive, as did her caretaker, who did basically everything, and I do mean everything for much of the time. Jeff also managed to stay productive. What the hell was I doing? Binging Netflix, eating crap, and well, this thing right here. We talked grandkids, dogs, masks, travel, theatre, vaccines, and how one Jeff took as a kid impact