Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Eva Jannotta, Founder of Medusa Media Group, Thought Leadership Strategy for Women Entrepreneurs – Episode 275



Today I am delighted to introduce Eva Jannotta, a thought leadership advisor, trainer, and founder of Medusa Media Group, a thought leadership consultancy and production company that provides thought leadership advisory and implementation services to North America's most recognized women entrepreneurs and business leaders in the women helping women economy. Their mission is to make women entrepreneurs more visible and sought after for their high-impact work.  In This Episode: Eva shares her insights on bland and generic thought leadership and the kind of thought leadership that resonates. Her personal journey to thought leadership; how coach Eleanor Beaton sparked this The two most common reasons why women get stuck in their thought leadership roles, and different strategies to strengthen your thought leadership The importance of trusting and listening to your own ideas Why story monopolies are detrimental, and her mission to spread different stories about what success looks like and how long i