Diana Kander: Professional Af

How to Stop Following the Crowd, Become Self-Reliant and Increase Your Odds of Success with John Jantsch



This weeks wisdom comes from the most unlikely places. Just about 150 years ago. If you're anything like me you've heard of or sampled the works of Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Susan B. Anthony, Mark Twain, and you thought, I should really make time to read more of those books. And that time has never really come around. Well, my friend John Jantsch has done us all a solid and put together a new book with a daily excerpt from each of these authors and many more. John is a very successful though leader. His Duct Tape Marketing blog was chosen as a Forbes favorite and his Duct Tape Marketing podcast was called a "must listen" by Fast Company magazine. Seth Godin called John the "Peter Drucker of small business tactics." This book is something very new for this marketing guru. It is titled the Self Reliant Entrepreneur, but the concepts we're going to discuss are immensely helpful for anyone trying to create something in this world and for anyone trying to make a difference in their organization. Jo