Mason Vera Paine

Online Cyber Security: How to Stay Safe in the Digital Age



As we enter Cyber Security Awareness Month, it's more important than ever to protect our data online. Google Cybersecurity Expert, Alex Krasov gives tips on how to stay safe on line. For the latest Cyber Security tips and advice visit: Safety.GoogleFollow Google on Twitter at: Google on Facebook at: Cyber Security Month - Alex Krasov Transcription Mason Paine: With the progression of technology, we are more prone to online threats and hacking. Google security expert, Alex Krasov joins me to discuss how you can stay safe online. Thanks for joining me, Alex. Alex Krasov: Thanks so much for having me. Mason Paine: So tell me what exactly is Cybersecurity Awareness Month? Alex Krasov: Sure. Well, Cybersecurity Awareness month is, in my view, the best time of the year. it happens during October and really is a month. Government organizations, tools, and real