Science Faction Podcast

Episode 428: Too Much Benergy



This episode contains: Ben will not be cooking turkey this Thanksgiving, instead it's poached salmon! Ben battled Devon's ghost on Geometry Wars 2, doubling Devon's high score (he got 12,676,335 if anyone is asking). Devon lost his leg in the Geometry Wars.  "Remember the Slaughter" is a pretty good band name.  Is somebody writing down our cool band names? "Annus Horribilis" is another great band name. It means "unfortunate year." Steven recommends the band "The Sword." They rock. Listen to them. This COULD BE a music recommendation podcast, but Steven rejects that idea. Devon introduces us to Swamp Pop instead of talking Science & Science Fiction. Sleep, Data. Sleep: Artificial neural networks learn better when they spend time not learning at all.  During sleep, the brain is super busy repeating what we've learned in the day. Catastrophic Forgetting happens with neural networks: it's when new info overwrites old. "Computational Biology" is a rad band name too. Our development in neural network's sleep pa