Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

Iain on the Richard Barnes.com podcast!



Hi All, This is not the iainabernethy.com podcast! This podcast is from RichardBarnes.com and it is an interview Richard conducted with me a few days ago. The interview mainly focuses on my journey through the martial arts and how I ended up teaching for a living. Richard is a good friend and I hope you find the interview interesting. Those of you who have already heard this interview from Richard’s website may be interested to know that I’ve added an introduction to this version that explains how I “walked on water”! Please listen to the podcast and see the embedded image to find out more :-) Be sure to check out Richard’s other episodes and I’ll be back with my own podcast early in the New Year! All the best, Iain Link to Richard’s website: http://richardbarnes.com/real-life-real-people-with-iain-abernethy What I love about Iain’s story is how he gave up the day job and did the job of his dreams. In fact from an early age he made choices that meant he could do the thing he enjoyed most. Ia