Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

Bonus Podcast: 10 Books for the Pragmatic Karateka



This new website makes it so easy for me to add new content that I’ve been able to put out this “bonus podcast”! I’ve called it a bonus podcast because this is not the scheduled “official podcast” – which will be on stances and be out in a week or so – but an extra podcast on 10 books that I recommend you read (not one of which was written by me … I’m assuming you’ve already got all those ;-). This is not a “top 10” or anything like that because there are loads of other books – which may be discussed in future bonus podcasts – I would also strongly recommend. In this podcast I simply discuss 10 books that I feel all pragmatically minded traditionalists should read. They are a mix of classical books and books by modern authors and in each case I explain why I recommend the book and what can be gained from it. It was a case of hit record and off I went! I hope you enjoy this bonus podcast and that it encourages you to check out some of the books. I’ll be back with the scheduled “official podcast” very soon!