The Secret Cabal Gaming Podcast

Episode 261: Alma Mater and What We're Thankful For In Gaming



Gobble Gobble Gobble, Cabalists! It's coming up on that holiday where we eat way too much take naps on the couch (or that would be a typical day at my house). The gang dives in with some games they've been playing including Planted, Horrified Universal Monsters, Monster Slaughter, Oak, Ark Nova and our feature review Alma Mater from Eggertspiele. Tony Topper does what a Tony Topper does best and enlightens us with all the best tabletop gaming news out there. And finally, the founders list some things that really stick in their craw and what games they're thankful for that fix those issues. Alma Mater Review 00:50:44, News with Tony T 01:19:33, What We're Thankful For In Gaming 02:08:29