Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

WHO is Actually Creating The Paranormal? Is it YOU? A Conversation with filmmaker Alan B. Smith



After a UFO sighting at the age of twelve in New Jersey prompted a deep exploration into a spectrum of paranormal phenomena, filmmaker Alan B. Smith set out to create a project that depicts these incidents of high strangeness through the stories of others. His documentary film HALF LIGHT illustrates these phenomena in a deep and mind twisting fashion, but this film is not just about the paranormal, as Alan explains, despite his initial intention to create a film covering aspects of anomalous events including UFOs and alien abduction, life after death, and even shadow beings, what came through was a deep and passionate connection with the spiritual aspect of the experiencers whom he interviews. HALF LIGHT features several prominent figures in the paranormal/UFO space including Marc D’Antonio, Ryan Sprague, Cheryl Costa and Race Hobbs. In addition to diving deep into Alan’s film, we also discuss the possibility that some paranormal phenomena may actually be human caused or generated. Could people be