Gift Biz Unwrapped | Women Entrepreneurs | Bakers, Crafters, Makers | Startup

Tips & Talk 90 – My Happy List and Why It’s Important



Why am I sharing my favorite daily life things with you? Because I want you to think about yours! I found that once I wrote down this list, I gained even more pleasure in all the activities. I’d say to myself, this is one of the things on my list. How fortunate am I right this minute to be doing what I love? It’s really true that the small things bring the most happiness. The things that make up our day to day minutes as we pass through time. By recognizing what these are for you, you’ll find ways to fit them in more often and appreciate them even more. Resources Mentioned in this Episode Hello Fresh Wentworth Puzzles Nautilus Puzzles Oura Ring Embark DNA Test Inspired Daily! Planner Be part of the newest Gift Biz Opportunities! The Gift Biz Bash offers you the chance to get added visibility for your business - for free. Who can't use that?! But seats are limited. To see the dates and times and to grab your spot, go through the link above. A Gift Biz Boost is a free one-on-one strategy session discussion a