Project Rook

PR61: #30DayFruitChallenge: What You Need To Know



If you're not aware of the healing power of fruit, I invite you to join the August #30DayFruitChallenge. Fruits have an amazing ability to detoxify and rehydrate the body and unlike any other food, fruits have the highest amount of antioxidant and astringent properties. People all over the world are healing their bodies and reversing illnesses and diseases on fruit diets. Fruits allows the body to remove obstructions, move waste and toxins and most importantly, repair and heal! There is certainly levels to the healing process. However, if you've been on the vegan or raw path and feel as though your progress has plateaued I challenge you to see what your body can do on fruits. For the newbies, the options are endless. Keep an open mind and explore the possibilities. Most importantly there's no need to trip over protein or fruit sugar! For more info, visit