Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story #238: What Are The Challenges of A Young Indie Filmmaker



What Are The Perils of An Indie Filmmaker In The Movie Making World While Chris is on the road performing readings of his works, Alex holds down the fort. Alex interviews KAI KALDRO, an ex screenwriting student of his, now a young indie filmmaker, The topic?  The path Kai has traveled from film fan to film maker.  Dealing with classes, coaching, writing, directing and producing his own films. "Sinner's Lullaby," and "Dissolve Girl." With one making it to an online streaming platform. Have questions or comments for us? Post them in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story #SinnersLullaby #WritingSkills #writingsofig #DissolveGirl #writingheals #writingmuse #writingtools #filmmakers #writingcorner  #indyfilms #screenwriters#writingwild  #indyfilmmakers #writingissanity #writingclass #