Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kami Guildner, The Dance Of Soul And Strategy In Your Business, Episode 277



Today I am pleased to present a new solo podcast episode in which I explore the concept of time prosperity. One of the reasons I love the Christmas holiday season is that it gives me the opportunity to slow down and listen to my inner wisdom. I call it my soul time. In this episode, I share how to dance between soul and strategy in your business.  In this episode: The importance of weaving soul, strategy and community into your business Some year-end planning questions to help you listen to the whispers within How simplifying can lead to more time prosperity and wealth prosperity in your business Clarity in voice, vision and visibility leads to growth How to dance between soul and strategy in your business planning moments The winner of the annual Firedancer Award is revealed I reveal the Ignite Conference's nonprofit benefactor I believe women’s voices matter. I am a connector. A storyteller. A business coach for changemaker women of influence. My entrepreneurial journey was sparked by the