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Dinner Time TV | Pop Wrap



We've all been in a position where by the time we decide on content to consume or a show to watch while we eat our meals, the meal itself gets over. Don't you worry though! This week's episode of Pop Wrap is filled with recommendations that can be your comfort watch and help you kill time or just be a background show while you run your daily chores.In this week's episode of Pop Wrap, our host Snayhil is joined by Abbas and Jalasmi as they talk about their comfort shows and recommend a list of movies, shows, youtube channels that you can watch to kill some time and use them for the days where you don't feel like paying full attention and just need a breather.Tune into this episode for some great recommendations, fun banter and a slight dose of nostalgia. Have topics or things that you'd like for us to cover on the show? Reach out to us on InstagramFollow Snayhil on Instagram : https://instagram.com/snayhilFollow Abbas Momin on Instagram: https://instagram.com/abbasmomin88?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Follow Jalasmi