Arete Podcast With Richard Triggs

199 Nick Bamford - Managing Director - SRO Technology



While most industries have embraced digital innovations over the past 30 years or so, few people probably appreciate the enthusiasm with which the energy and resources sector have done so in that time. With infrastructure downtime costing hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour, and optimisations returning millions of dollars in bottom-line profit, ignoring digital trends is not an option for any serious players in the sector. But in order for organisations to be ‘on-trend’ they have to work with other organisations that are already ahead of the curve. I interviewed the Managing Director of one such firm on the podcast this week; Nick Bamford, from SRO Technology. Nick described how the business takes customers from a breakdown support situation, through to ongoing preventive maintenance programs, then to optimisation programs by making use of the vast amounts of data collected on sites. It’s a formula that’s proving successful, and has seen the business grow from five million dollars revenue to $20 mil