
(Short Cuts) Hoisted On Their Own Qatar



The potential hypocrisies of condemning human rights abuses in Qatar during the FIFA World Cup. And the increasing difficulty of writing critically about Israel. Shree Paradkar co-hosts. Host: Jonathan GoldsbieCredits: Aviva Lessard (Producer), Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), André Proulx (Production Coordinator), Cassidy Villebrun-Buracas(Associate Producer)Guest: Shree Paradkar Further reading: How media criticisms of Qatar during the World Cup are both accurate and unfair - Toronto StarLILLEY: World Cup's beauty marred by Qatar's human rights record - Toronto SunOpinion: We built the railway in five years. So why are so many megaprojects now stalled? - The Globe and MailRegier v National Post - National NewsMedia CouncilWhy the definition of antisemitism has become such a polarizing issue - Toronto StarCBC’s Palestine Exception - Review of Journalism Sponsors: Douglas, oxio, HelloFresh If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to al