Thread With Dr. Chuck Quinley

Thread #50: Doing what you can for God with what you’ve got



Ever wish you could do something for God to show your love and gratefulness but feel unqualified to find a place of service? In this Thread we get Christ's take on official religion versus just doing whatever you can with what you've got. We met a man on our last trip to Burma who is poor by anyone's standards, yet in a very beautiful way he has done an amazing act of service. He was visiting a village when a woman approached him to say, "I'm going to throw this baby away. Do you want it?" Though he was single he took the infant home with him and has raised him as his son. Just do what you can as Love tells you how to respond to circumstances that present themselves to you. You can see this truth lived out in this, our 50th Thread broadcast.Play EpisodeSupport the show (