Center For International Development

Bridging Digital Divides: Technology as a Force for Inclusion



This podcast was originally recorded on November 18, 2022, for the CID Speaker Series featuring Aleem Walji, Senior Advisor - Strategy, Innovation and Partnerships at the Institute for Capacity Development, International Monetary Fund. Aleem continued the conversation with CID Student Ambassador, Aining Liang, after an appearance at the CID Speaker Series event. Exponential technologies will not improve the lives of the poor by default. Design choices will determine who benefits from digital disruption and who is left behind. Two decades ago, many predicted that a digital divide would marginalize already underserved populations. While there are examples of digital exclusion, technologies like the mobile phone, mobile money and new delivery models have led to significant innovation and inclusion in financial services, health, education and agriculture. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning and distributed ledgers, however, are not ‘inclusive by design’. Hardware is not distributed