Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

God's Covenant Victory - Revelation 19



The Groom is coming and the multitudes of heaven are shouting about what an amazing bridegroom Jesus is. In Revelation 19 we take a look prophetically and practically at how Jesus is “True and Just.” We witness how Jesus shows His love for the bride in what He has done for her and in what He will do for her. We witness the weirdest and best wedding supper and wedding present ever. Then, we talk about how we, the church, as the bride of Christ, “dress the bride.” Why does the church often look like a messy bride? What happens if I don’t dress the bride or if I dress her how I want her to look? How do I show Jesus I love Him by dressing the bride how He wants her to look? And, how does grace and mercy fit into all of this when I make mistakes? Celebrate the wedding supper of the lamb because the bride and the groom are one, the way they should be, forever.