Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Awakening, Ascension & How to Navigate the Sh!*t Storm | Cynthia Sue Larson



FAIR WARNING: This is NOT your “typical” Cynthia Sue Larson interview!! This is an exclusive of Higher Journeys. We’re discussing the state of the world and the BIG changes that are on the horizon and what we can do to navigate the Sh!*t storm that continues to intensify by the day. Cynthia lends a clear and unique perspective on what she sees happening on the planet right now - What we're going through. Why we're going through it. And what's in store on the other end. Predictive indicators from notable researchers like Dr. David Martin and Clif High are revealing a massive Global civil disruption within the next year. Some remote viewers have reported that after the “storm” is over, the future will be brighter although it will look much different from the reality that we currently know and in any time in human history. As for negotiating these turbulent waters that many feel we are facing, where does spirituality, awareness and ascension come in? How do we put these qualities to good use as a shi