Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 960 - Men Chase, Women Choose, The Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind & Finding True Love with Dawn Maslar



In this 10th show, Jason Hartman talks with Dawn Maslar, author of the new book Men Chase, Women Choose, The Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind & Finding Love, about the biological path from meeting to falling in love. Dawn's research has led her to discover what truly attracts us to the opposite sex, what we can do to change some of our bad subconscious habits, her thoughts on online dating websites, and a very disturbing truth about some of the perfume that's out on the market. Key Takeaways: [6:17] Attraction is, biologically, meant to be temporary [7:22] Why do humor and trust go together? [11:50] What happens to a man, biologically, right before he falls in love [14:57] The truth behind the reason women seem to like jerks [18:39] One of the main things that couples that stay together have [22:01] Dawn's thoughts on online dating sites [24:40] The truth about a perfume scent you may not want to know [28:15] Does nature cause us to be attracted to our opposite to diversify the gene pool?