Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 869 - Harry Dent - 2016 Demographic Cliff & The Sale of A Lifetime



After his recent European travels Jason shares his appreciation for being back in the land of the abundance mindset, the great Brinks truck of the world, the US. Jason reviews a recent article regarding US home sales being at a 20-year low which contradicts guest, Harry Dent’s previous predictions. And in the reclaimed interview from 2016, Harry Dent reveals why cash-flow income property is the only vehicle to invest in to protect your assets in light of the forthcoming economic crash. Key Takeaways: [04:38] Jason weighs in on the European mindset of scarcity versus the US mindset of abundance. [11:24] A USA Today article about home sales contradicts Harry Dent's previous prediction.   Harry Dent Guest Interview:   [19:07] Puerto Rico has attractive tax incentives for those looking to make a move. [20:21] Harry claims we are in the midst of bubble-mania in real estate and other markets. [23:02] The boring, linear real estate markets are not bubbling up like the markets along the coasts. [25:35] Current demogr