Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 705 - Oliver and Jason Answer Questions from Clients and New Investors



Live events offer investors an opportunity to meet other investors who are successful using the long-term buy and hold strategy, to hear about real life examples of the acquisition process and to learn the tips and tricks which can make an investor’s life easier. This episode is full of useful information which is framed around real client questions including what were Jason’s biggest mistakes.      Key Takeaways: [11:00] Why did Jason choose real estate for his career of choice? [13:19] Buy cash flow properties which make financial sense the day you buy them. [19:35] Should you keep your property managers on a short leash by adding discretionary measures to your contract? [26:56] What was the biggest mistake Jason made and how did it affect his life? [34:02] Live events are a loss leader for us but they are beneficial for clients. [36:18] Phoenix, Arizona is the site of the new event which includes a Q & A panel discussion and a best practices for acquisition example.  [41:09] What are the top 3 qualitie