Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 653 – Jason & Mom – What Central Banks Do To Real Estate Investors & How To Align Interests With The Fed, The Creature From Jekyll Island



Jason’s mom will be attending the upcoming Venture Alliance Mastermind trip to Jekyll Island. She decided to prepare herself by reading the updated version of The Creature from Jekyll Island again. She and Jason review sections of the book and discuss the insanity which is the Federal Reserve and how the entity came to be. You are invited to join Jason and his mother on the Jekyll Island trip as a Venture Alliance member or as a guest. If you attend you will experience a piece of American financial history and possibly have your coffee disturbed by a famous hotel ghost.   Key Takeaways: [3:47] Jason’s mother’s assessment of the book “The Creature From Jekyll Island” and the history of the Federal Reserve.  [12:27] The ghosts of the Jekyll Island hotel do more than drink the guests coffee, they pick pockets too. [18:28] Past podcasts guests, Chris Martenson and Bill Bonner agree, the Federal Reserve system is convoluted. [22:38] We all easily pay 60% or more of our income to some sort of tax. [32:36] Listeners