Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 624 FBF - Wall Street’s Rigged Game Against Main Street USA



Jason Hartman takes a unique middle ground on the Occupy Wall Street protests since Wall Street doesn’t represent capitalism as the right-wing media would have us believe while the left-wing media who supports big government and big unions doesn’t represent capitalism either. Both sides are promoting a fairy tale. A recent Facebook post sums it up fairly well: This whole issue really isn’t that simple. I assume that most of the protesters are clueless folks who need haircuts; however, so is the conservative media (that I mostly agree with) in saying that Wall Street represents “capitalism” – nothing could be further from the truth, Wall Street, banks and mega-corporations are mostly ANTI-CAPITALISM in that they are playing a rigged game with lobbyists, government cronyism and insider dealings at every level. They use lawyers, accountants and PR firms to commit their crimes. There is very little capitalism on Wall Street. If you’re looking for capitalism, look at Main Street, where small business operates unde