Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 620 – Mike Fernandez – Humbled by the Journey- Life Lessons for My Family and Yours



Mike Fernandez’s family was kicked out of Cuba five years after Fidel Castro took over the government. His family landed in the United States with no money, no food and no place to live. His father was able to get work as a short order cook and after just three years he was able to buy a house for his family to live in. Mike was drafted after one semester in college and after providing his service in the army he worked selling insurance policies door to door. It was there he earned his grit and learned to accept failure.   He is now a billionaire who runs multiple companies at once. He says to succeed, sacrifice must become part of your journey and it is the execution of the smallest detail which can make or break you. He believes the U.S. gives an equal opportunity those all those willing to try.   Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial [2:08] Venture Alliance membership is growing, welcome Mike & congratulations to Jeff & Shannon [3:30] Meet the Masters content will be available [4:50] Venture Alliance in