Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 565 - Orlando Market Profile, Happiest Place on Earth or Foreclosure Disaster



Orlando is more than Disney, it’s a well rounded city. There are major medical companies investing in the surrounding area. There are also basics to the State of Florida which make it a good place to invest. It offers asset protection, has no income tax for its residents and is pro-business and pro-landlord. This hybrid market is ripe and when the real estate market there corrects itself investment properties will appreciate to their proper values.    Early Bird pricing is now available for January’s Meet the Masters event in SoCal.    Key Takeaways:   Jason’s Editorial: [2:10] An app Jason likes which tells him about the humidity he doesn’t like [5:15] Meet the Masters event in January 9 & 10, 2016 - save the date  [6:41] Florida is a no income tax state and it’s asset protection friendly [7:08] Tampa, Florida may be under rated but the market is too expensive [8:06] The biggest cities with the highest foreclosure rate  [9:17] Land contracts in Grand Rapids, Michigan, owning notes means less responsibili