Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 555 FBF - Land Contracts For Real Estate Investors with Jason Hartman



Land contracts are something that a lot of investors have heard of, but maybe don’t fully understand. Jason Hartman invites a Meet the Masters speaker, to join him on the Creating Wealth Show to discuss what land contracts are, how they differ from traditional landlord operating processes and even goes in to what to do if it all goes wrong. He’ll be speaking more in-depth at the Meet the Masters event in January, but here’s a taste of what you can expect.   Key Takeaways 06.10 – Guest provides his personal experience and how he started to get involved with land contracts. 09.50 – Land contracts are there to help out those who can’t buy through conventional financing processes. 14.25 – Because of the distinction between owner and deed holder, tenants with land contracts usually have a different mindset which is far more preferable for landlords. 18.25 – Negotiations are currently happening in an attempt to get around an 85% discount on land contracts. 22.05 – There’s always a risk. Here it is: ‘What if the per