Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 551 - Hoovers Innovation Museum, The Sale of Bookstop with Gary Hoover



Throughout history the human race has not changed much even with all the extreme technology in our lives today. There is a chance of robot labor causing mass unemployment but it’s not likely. Entrepreneurs by nature are persistent, durable and pig headed which leads to innovative and determination. For the United States to continue its great heritage we need more experimentation in education, to make use of all of North American assets and to follow the 6 key steps to building great companies a belief of Gary Hoover.     Key Takeaways: Jason’s Editorial:  [2:36] Memories of Monopoly, past and recent  [6:56] Memories of Facebook, during the recession [8:54] Cash flow in a RV ratio  [10:20] The San Diego event - JHU Live    Gary Hoover interview: [11:28] The addiction of collecting memorabilia [12:50] Becoming efficient in learning is harder with digital books [14:52] The table of contents contains the key points [18:28] Thick books sell but e-books are the future [21:54] Many reference books are 300-1500 pages