Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 549 FBF - Mistakes Investors Make Preventing Financial Independence



Orginally aired as CW 141 During turbulent economic times, people can become their own worst enemy.  The uncertainty of the stock market creates massive insecurity about our investment portfolios. These doubts are quite reasonable and it is time to stop trusting Wall Street and start being a direct investor by purchasing hard assets which are not subject to the greed, graft and manipulation of CEOs, investment bankers, fund managers and the government. Prudent investing is a prerequisite to The American Dream of financial freedom. Learn from the mistakes of others rather than “the school of hard knocks.” Tune in to this episode of The Creating Wealth Show as Jason reveals 30 fatal mistakes you must avoid in order to achieve financial independence and investing success. Upcoming shows will feature: Bradford B. Smart, author of Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top Sales Representatives and Lisa Bromma, author of Wise Women Invest In Real Estate.