Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 545 - Harry Dent How to Profit from The Demographic Cliff - Central Bankers Have Gone Mad and are Creating a Huge Bubble that Will Burst



This is a must listen to episode for investors. Guest Harry Dent has written over 7 books on using demographics to predict economic outcomes. He and Jason discuss the inevitable Chinese market crash, the deflation that is headed our way and the massive amounts of debt in the private and public sectors. For real estate buyers, it appears that the everyday house is the best place to invest right now and in the next 3 to 4 years we just might see the lowest interest rates on mortgage loans of this lifetime. Harry warns that the bigger the bubble the bigger the burst and predicts we will see the Dow drop below 6000 in the coming years and fracking bonds will be crucified.    Key Takeaways:    Jason’s Editorial: [2:06] Daniel wants to know about a sole proprietorship [3:48] There is no asset protection sole proprietorship  [4:37] An LLC could be a self management company   [6:15] Self managed properties  [8:08] The power of the Venture Alliance Mastermind [9:34] Jason’s next event - Sept/Oct [11:28] The cost of co