Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

CW 539 - Memphis Market Profile from Ryan, Local Market Specialist



It’s unclear exactly why Memphis is a rental property owners dream investment city but it is. Vacancy rates are consistently 5% or less year over year. Even when people are qualified to purchase a property they insist on renting. Add to that the dynamic nature of this culture filled town and major distribution companies who do business there and you get a perfect bluesy mix of properties and opportunities for your next investment.    Key Takeaways:   Jason’s Editorial: [1:42] Chicago property tour 7/15 -7/17 [2:58] 3 cities now that Detroit is confirmed [4:12] Voicemail from Roger about managing your property managers [6:10] An entire episode on managing your manager coming [6:40] Search with the keyword property manager [8:00] CNBC video - Rents rising and supply is constrained [9:59] Let’s get in the game and take action   Ryan from Memphis: [11:57] Invest in Memphis - it’s great for rental properties [13:10] Is Memphis saturated with investors? [13:48] Why you should love Memphis as a rent